If you ever activated the Framerate and Profile option in your
UPBGE game, you have probably seen that one of the most demanding things there is called "Depsgraph".
You see things like "Physics", "Logic" and even "
Rasterizer" and you immediately understand what you need to do to optimize you game. But "Depsgraph"?... It looks like a mysterious thing that nobody knows nothing about. Yet is it one the most problematic things there is in your game. And you are going mad just trying to figure it out.
This happened to me when I started doing
Dani's Race, my Free / Libre GTA clone game. Which, by the way, you can help me release, by
signing a petition, which is
really really important, but I digress...
What is Depsgraph?
Depsgraph or Dependency Graph is a genius solution for Blender, which ended up being a curse for UPBGE. As you may know UPBGE is simply the new Blender, but with the game engine preserved.
Back in the
Ye Olde days of Blender, you had to release your cursor when changing things, for those things you've changed to be updated in the scene. The modern: dragging your mouse on the color-picker and seeing it update in real time, was unheard of. Well... Until Blender Developers introduced the Dependency Graph, that is.
You know Blender. The color is not just a value on its own. It is a value in a specific node, that is in a specific material, that is in a specific mesh data, linked to a specific object. That now also could be in various collections. So updating color is updating all those things along the way to make the color show up.
The old system would update objects, when the mouse is released. But objects might have multitudes of those data points. They might have many materials, each with many nodes. And updating all of it was unnecessary. So the new depsgraph was born as a kind of optimization method to limit those updates to only whats needed. And that made it possible for the first time to make real-time updates to materials and other stuff, eventually paving the way to insane things like
Geometry Nodes.
How Depsgraph works in the game engine?
Having the full Depsgraph implementation in a game engine is absolutely insane. But it makes UPBGE one of the coolest engines out there. You can use the damn Geometry Nodes in your game! This is some next level stuff. But it comes with a few performance penalties.
Blender, when you are working with it as an editor, only runs depsgraph updates when you are actually changing things. When you are dragging sliders. When you are inputting values. The game engine, though, runs Depsgraph on every single frame of the game. Just to make sure that everything will work.
Another potentially damning thing that Depsgraph has, is that it is running on the same thread as the rendering of the frame. And most of the time it takes roughly the same time. This makes your GPU wait half of the time until your CPU will finish calculating depsgraph. Which halves the FPS. There are
proposals to separate it into another thread, but the developers seem to be tired or something. So nothing really moves at the moment.
How to optimize for Depsgraph?
First and most important thing when it comes to depsgraph is the
amount of objects in the scene. No matter how trivial a change will be, it will still need to loop over the entirety of those objects to check whether they need an update or not. So making less objects will make everything better.
Modifiers especially Geometry Nodes are very heavy on depsgraph. Modifiers change the geometry of an object based on its original geometry. And some even take other objects and other object's geometries as inputs. Making depsgraph loop over much more data to figure out what it needs to update. And because thing are in constant motion in a game, it will try updating modifiers more often. Resulting in bad performance.
Similarly to modifiers, Blender's
Constraints are also problematic. If you can implement the same constraint with logic or even code, it will be much better to do so, because using the constraints from within Blender results in more Depsgraph complexity, since they are a part of the same data-tree that the depsgraph is looping over.
When it comes to logic and code, you have to avoid certain things too.
For example,
moving an object by simply inputting the position of the object like this:
Object.position = (0,0,0)
... will result in higher depsgraph load, for some reason, than using an
function. So I made a simple function like this:
import mathutils
def Move(object, position, times=1):
object.applyMovement( ( mathutils.Vector(position) - object.position ) * times )
... to move objects more efficiently. This function basically takes the original coordinates and the target coordinates. And calculates the offset, to then use it in the
But moving an object is barely a noticeable thing compared to
adding and
deleting objects. There is something stupidly wrong with the way adding and deleting is implemented, that I had to completely bypass the whole thing in a weird way that is both clever and terrifying.
The game I'm developing has this module called
Reuse, which abstracts the adding and deleting, but without actually adding or deleting anything.
For example, here is the delete function.
def Delete(object, inactive=False):
object = object.owner
if object.name not in reuse:
reuse[object.name] = []
if not inactive:
object.worldLinearVelocity = [0,0,0]
object.worldAngularVelocity = [0,0,0]
object.scaling = [1,1,1]
Move(object, (0,0,-1000))
object.visible = False
if "Motion" in object.actuators:
object.actuators["Motion"].dLoc = [0,0,0]
if object not in reuse[object.name]:
object["self-destruct"] = 2
if object in selfDestruct:
As you can see there is no
present anywhere. The object is not actually being removed from the scene. But instead as you can see it is being moved to coordinates of 0, 0, -1000, it is being made invisible and the physics of the object are being suspended.
This is the closest thing I can do to deleting it, without actually deleting it, because deleting it will result in a huge spike in depsgraph. And the same goes for adding something in.
There is a similar function I have to "Create" an object:
def Create(object, selfDestructFrames=0, selfDestructInactive=False, visible=True, declarenew=False, frompoint=None):
if object not in reuse:
reuse[object] = []
if not reuse[object]:
if not frompoint: frompoint = object
object = scene.addObject(object, frompoint, 0, False)
new = True
if object.name not in amounts:
amounts[object.name] = 0
amounts[object.name] += 1
object = reuse[object].pop(0)
object.worldLinearVelocity = [0,0,0]
object.worldAngularVelocity = [0,0,0]
new = False
if selfDestructFrames:
SelfDestruct(object, selfDestructFrames, selfDestructInactive)
object.setVisible( visible )
if declarenew:
return object, new
return object
This one does contain the
function, but only for those objects that were not yet deleted before. But if there is a deleted object that is available to be used, it will re-enable its physics, make it visible again, and use it.
In the first frame of the game, in the
function about which I talked not so long ago, in a
different article there is a whole thing dedicated to precalculating of those objects. Basically I know that roughly speaking 50 Light Poles might be visible as some point in the game at once. And all of them will need to be spawned into position when the character arrives to the place where they spawn.
So I can tell the game to add the Light Pole object and then immediately delete it, 50 times. Giving me a cached, deactivated 50 Light Poles waiting to be moved into place at a moment's notice. If I don't do that on the first frame, there will be a significant drop in frame rate whenever the player enters a place with many light-poles. Because at that very moment it will need to add 50 new ones. Each effecting depsgraph in some serious way.
But that is not all of it...
Additionally to trying to minimize calls that I know directly effect depsgraph, I also try to minimize calls that do anything potentially a bit too heavy on the engine. And this I do using a handy function I call
impact = {"test":None,
def CalculateImpact(previous, current):
result = {}
for i in previous:
p = previous[i][0]
c = current [i][0]
result[i] = c - p
return result
def GoodFPS(func="", factor=1.0, boolean=True, traceback=False ):
settings = bge.logic.globalDict.get("settings", {})
frame = round(bge.logic.getRealTime(), 2)
currentMetrics = bge.logic.getProfileInfo()
targetFPS = settings.get("fps", 30)
if not boolean:
return bge.logic.getAverageFrameRate() / targetFPS
if frame < 5: return 0
optset = settings.get("opt", 1.0) ** 0.1
choice = numpy.random.choice([False, True], p=[optset, 1-optset])
if choice:
if func in impact["data"]:
if impact["data"][func].get("lastframe",0) + impact["timer"] > frame:
return 0.0
return 1.0
impact["timer"] = 10 - (10 * ( bge.logic.getAverageFrameRate() / targetFPS ))
if not impact["test"] and func not in impact["data"] and \
impact["lastTestTime"] + impact["timer"] < frame:
impact["test"] = {
"func" :func,
"stage" :0,
"frame" :frame,
impact["lastTestTime"] = frame
if impact["test"]:
test = impact["test"]
if test["stage"] == 0 and test["frame"] < frame:
test["frame"] = frame
test["stage"] = 1
if test["stage"] == 1:
test["frame"] = frame
test["profile"] = currentMetrics.copy()
test["stage"] = 2
return 1.0
if test["stage"] == 2 and test["frame"] < frame:
impactIs = CalculateImpact(test["profile"], currentMetrics)
impact["test"] = None
impact["data"][func] = impactIs
return 0.0
elif func in impact["data"]:
if impact["data"][func].get("lastframe",0) + impact["timer"] > frame:
return 0.0
if impact["frame"] != frame:
impact["frame"] = frame
impact["estimate"] = None
if not impact["estimate"]:
impact["estimate"] = {}
for i in currentMetrics:
impact["estimate"][i] = currentMetrics[i][0]
tempEstimate = impact["estimate"].copy()
totalMS = 0
for i in tempEstimate:
tempEstimate[i] += impact["data"][func][i]
totalMS += tempEstimate[i]
targetMS = 1 / ( ( targetFPS ) / 1000 )
if totalMS > targetMS:
return 0.0
impact["estimate"] = tempEstimate
impact["data"][func]["lastframe"] = frame
return 1.0
As you can see it is not a small thing. But the way it works is rather simple. For example you want to spawn a car, but it is not critical. It is a background NPC car or something. And it could spawn now or in a few seconds from now and it will not effect much of anything. So instead of:
Vehicle.Spawn("NeonSpeedsterBox", (0,0,0), (0,0,0))
... you do this:
if Opt.GoodFPS("Spawning an NPC Car"):
Vehicle.Spawn("NeonSpeedsterBox", (0,0,0), (0,0,0))
First time that the
function will encounter the
"Spawning an NPC Car"
call, it will suspend everything else, returning
everywhere for a few frames, while returning
ones for this call. This will activate it and the
function will be able to record the impact this call has on the profile. Not just on the overall FPS, but on every individual category: Logic, Animation, Physics, Depsgraph and so on, separately.
Later when it has the database of all possible calls that the game can give it, it can calculate based on the impacts it knows, how many of them can run until the FPS drops below a certain threshold. Anything effecting the FPS below that threshold will not be activated. Resulting in a more or less stable overall performance of the game.
Basically instead of trying to spawn an NPC car on every frame. It will only try doing it when doing it will not effect the performance too much. Of course I did add a setting in the launcher where you can set how aggressive this function is at trying to preserve the target FPS. And for me I feel comfortable at about 90%. Which lets the FPS occasionally drop below the target, but not significantly, while making sure that there is enough stuff in the world to interact with.
A lot of people telling me that I'm stupid for choosing UPBGE as my game engine for
Dani's Race, and I agree with them. It would be so much simpler to make the game in an engine that is automatically pre-optimized for things. But there is a certain challenge, a certain satisfaction at figuring out something that is a bit harder to figure out. There is a certain level of achievement in taming the Depsgraph and keeping it under control, making the game work.
Happy Hacking!!!