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Blender Dumbass
⭐ 0 💬 1 🔁 0@ozzelot How? I wanna know!!!
Conservative Ageists Tried Censoring Pepper & Carrot
Blender Dumbass
👁 32 💬 0
It is quite funny to me that we live in the world full with people that contradict themselves whenever possible. Politically Conservative people tend to always bring up "Free Speech" whenever Liberal-minded people disagree with their opinions. Yet they are also very much in the business of censorship themselves. We saw that with
Florida's Book Bans and we now see it again with
Pepper & Carrot. A comics from
David Revoy that was attacked recently by those unable to see people expressing love to one another.
#DavidRevoy #PepperAndCarrot #Art #Comics #MastoArt #LGBT #LGBTQ #Politics #FreeSpeech #Paternalism #Ageism
Enemy of the State 1998 is very relevant for today
Blender Dumbass
👁 10 💬 0
The passing of
Gene Hackman made me interested in the actor again, and then I saw that he made a movie with
Tony Scott, from
Jerry Bruckheimer about surveillance. Recent fascination of mine with
Michael Bay and stuff related to him, like the fact that a lot of the style of Bay came almost directly from Tony Scott. And the fact that Bay worked with Bruckheimer in the time this movie was released. And the fact that the star of
Bad Boys Will Smith is the star of
Enemy of the State. All of that made it inevitable that I should check the movie out.
#EnemyOfTheState #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon #TonyScott #WillSmith #GeneHackman
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Blender Dumbass
⭐ 0 💬 0 🔁 0From: blenderdumbass . org
1941 ( a 1979 Steven Spielberg action comedy film ) seems like a parody of Michael Bay. The film's credits literally have explosions happen all throughout, under the scrolling text. There is so much colorful destruction, so much over the top action scenes, so much loud over-bombardment, that I believe this is the...
Read: https://blenderdumbass.org/reviews/1941_is_the_ultimate_steven_spielberg_film
#1941 #Spielberg #StevenSpielberg #FilmReview #Film #Review #FilmMaking #Cinemastodon #MichaelBay #War #WarFilm #1941film
Buzzy Lee - Strange Town is a Music Video we need more of
Blender Dumbass
👁 16 💬 1
It is strange to review a music video, but
Buzzy Lee's masterpiece
Strange Town deserves some praise. I think Buzzy Lee, who co-directed the music video with
Jeff Leeds Cohn knew that they didn't know what they were doing. So the whole thing, spoiler alert, is poking fun at their own directing.
#music #musicvideo #buzzylee #strangetown #film #movies #review #spielberg
Transformers 4 is a ballsy brave film
Blender Dumbass
👁 14 💬 0
So here is a movie from
Paramount Pictures that was executive produced by
Steven Spielberg with
Stanley Tucci playing a villain and
Mark Wahlberg playing a dad of a teenage girl. The movie touches on very hard emotional topics of sexual abuse and age discrimination. And
Peter Jackson does a very good job... Oh... wait... it's not
The Lovely Bones... ah... yeah... so...
Transformers: Age of Extinction!!!
#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #MarkWahlberg #StanleyTucci #VFX #CGI
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Blender Dumbass
⭐ 0 💬 0 🔁 1From: blenderdumbass . org
There is this satisfaction when it comes to animation, that I know from personal experience where the longer you work on a shot, or a sequence, the more details there is in the animation, the more satisfying it is to later just watch this insane level of effort simply wash over you one frame after another.
Read: https://blenderdumbass.org/reviews/transformers_5_is_too_good_to_be_good
#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #kingArthur
Queer ( 2024 ) is an Indiana Jones movie in a style of David Lynch
Blender Dumbass
👁 18 💬 2
Coming into a film called
Queer I didn't except the movie to go where it went. It was not a romance drama film, which it was marketed as. It only started like one. If you like Guadagnino's
Call Me By Your Name and except the same movie here. Don't. This is a completely different movie.
#Queer #DanielCraig #LucaGuadagnino #Film #Review #Cinemastodon #LGBT #LGBTQ #DavidLynch #IndianaJones
Gamedev Makes You Better at Math
Blender Dumbass
👁 70 💬 4
When I started with
Dani's Race I thought that the extend of my programming will be something like dynamically changing the speed of a car and maybe loading and unloading certain things on the map based on the distance from them. But quickly it became a mind-field of math and other programming cleverness. About which I will talk to you in this article
#Gamedev #DanisRace #Math #Programming #Python #UPBGE #Blender3d #GNU #Linux #GamingOnLinux #FreeSoftware #OpenSource
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Blender Dumbass
⭐ 0 💬 0 🔁 0The #petition for #DanisRace version 20205-03-17 is not going great. Please sign it.
All you need to do to sign it is to follow @rowdyjoe
More information: https://blenderdumbass.org/petitions/release:_dani_s_race_v2025-03-17
On Mastodon
Blender Dumbass
⭐ 0 💬 0 🔁 0Does somebody sell packaged grass for those people tho want to TOUCH THE GRASS without getting away from the computer?
Libre Games and Making Money: Introducing Petitions
Blender Dumbass
👁 125 💬 4
Most Free / Libre Software projects are maintained either by strong communities, or through some kind of donation system. Libre Games struggle with both aspects. There are community driven games, but those lack vision and coherent style, because different people contribute differently, on different skill levels and with different stylistic choices. And no corporation is benefiting from existence of libre games, therefor no serious donations are ever expected to be coming their way.
With the petitions idea, which could also be described as some sort of "reverse crowd-funding", I want to try to give Libre Games a chance at sustainability. Which if successful could make Libre Software as a whole more appealing. And perhaps do some good in the world.
#Libre #FreeSoftware #LibreGames #Userfreedom #Money #Business #Finance #Gaming #Gamedev #GamingOnLinux #Gnu #Linux #SteamDeck #Petition
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Blender Dumbass
⭐ 0 💬 0 🔁 1From: blenderdumbass . org
People are free to speak not because it is useful, but because they are free to make sounds with their mouths. People are free to write not because it is useful, but because they are free to move their hands around, or use tools, some of which make lines on pieces of paper.
Read or listen: https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/lets_discuss_moderation__misinformation__censorship_and_freedom_of_speech
#Freedom #FreeSpeech #Moderation #Misinformation #Censorship
A.I. Artificial Intelligence is the best film ever
Blender Dumbass
👁 41 💬 2
This was the first time I've ever cried from a film. And that experience made me addicted, both to Steven Spielberg and
A.I. and also to watching films seriously. Taking in what the directors is trying to do. Letting the film overwhelm you. Letting it break you. And perhaps made me a better
filmmaker myself.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #StevenSpielberg #StanleyKubrick #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon
Midsommar is not a horror film
Blender Dumbass
👁 45 💬 0
On the very basic surface level it could be read as a horror film. It is slashery in nature. It has very gruesome body mutilation scenes. But the film feels less of a horror and more of something like
Nicolas Winding Refn's film
Only God Forgives. Only this one has
Ari Aster written all over it.
#Midsommar #AriAster #FlorencePugh #JackReynor #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon
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Blender Dumbass
⭐ 0 💬 0 🔁 0@pupuweb I should not be worried. I don't have that shit.
Ambulance 2022 is a fucking masterpiece
Blender Dumbass
👁 28 💬 0
Critics often think Michael Bay doesn't give a damn about characters, but how can you believe that when everything in the film is shut deliberately to be from a perspective of a character? Michael Bay is
Lars Von Trier of action. Lars uses strange chaotic camera work and weird editing choices to elevate the emotion on screen and Michael Bay uses chaotic camera work and weird editing choices to elevate the emotions too. If you take him seriously everything clicks into place. It's just Michael Bay likes it louder.
#Ambulance #Ambulance2022 #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #EizaGonzales #JakeGyllenhaal
Making Breakable Cars in Video Games
Blender Dumbass
👁 162 💬 0
We all love some mayhem when it comes to playing games. And nothing makes car games more satisfying than damage models. RockStar Games understood it early on, and all GTA games have breakable cars. Today some of the most popular car games
like BeamNG.drive holding on a realism of damage models almost solely. And therefor for me, making
Dani's Race any other way, would have not been a good idea. I knew I had to make the cars in my game breakable.
#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #Gamedev #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project #cars #damage #Gnu #Linux #Freesoftware #OpenSource
Wrath of Man is why I love Guy Ritchie
Blender Dumbass
👁 30 💬 0
Wrath of Man is one of such, very Guy Ritchie, very crime trillery, very
Quentin Tarantino-inspired films. It has just enough cold detachment, just enough calculated precision and just enough artful pathos to make you feel the false-psychopathy of the main character played by
Jason Statham.
#WrathOfMan #GuyRitchie #Film #Review #JasonStatham #JoshHartnett #Cinemastodon #Movies