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[icon articles]Lets Discuss Moderation, Misinformation, Censorship and Freedom of Speech



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 47 💬 2

People are free to speak not because it is useful, but because they are free to make sounds with their mouths. People are free to write not because it is useful, but because they are free to move their hands around, or use tools, some of which make lines on pieces of paper.

#Freedom #FreeSpeech #Moderation #Misinformation #Censorship

[icon articles]That Insidious Feeling of Working a Job Below You



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 53 💬 1

Something along the lines of 75% of all humans are tasked with mindless work, which is often pretty much decorative and is there only to facilitate a certain governmental goal of employment. Basically non of us are doing anything actually useful and we are all struggling because of it. And I often feel depressed doing such jobs, yet there is seemingly no obvious road to escape them.


[icon articles]The Challenge of Writing NPC Characters for Games



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 121 💬 1

I'm developing a game called Dani's Race, which is supposed to be a GTA clone. A game where you can run around a city and cause all kinds of mayhem. And a humongous part of the experience of such a sandbox world simulator are the reactions from the in-game non-playable characters. If you steal a car, what will be the reaction of the driver? What will the police in the game do? What will other drivers do if you hit them on the road? All of this is a part of my daily problem-solving when working on Dani's Race.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #GameDev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #GtaClone #Programming #UPBGE #blender3d

[icon articles]Mother Was Arrested for What?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 117 💬 0

The neighborhood where I am working right now is strange when you compare it to the rest of the world. And especially when you compare it to Georgia USA, where a Mother was a arrested for a God forsaken, absolutely unimaginably stupid reason.

#Freedom #Law #Philosophy #Paternalism #Kids #LetGrow #FreeRangeKids

[icon articles]Never Trust Proprietary Software With Security



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 92 💬 1

There is a person on the inter-webs, who dedicated himself to reviews on security devices. His name is Lock Picking Lawyer and he showcases how secure real life locks are. In his video 1543 he reviewed a rather peculiar security feature on a lock from ABUS. Which is strengthening itself not by building some clever mechanism that is hard to bypass, but rather, uses law, to make bypassing it more illegal than it already is. They made the key-way ( and by extension the key ) to be shaped as the trademarked logo of the company. Therefor producing or distributing blanks for this lock would be a violation of the trademark law. Using proprietary software for security is doing the same mistake as trusting this lock by ABUS.

#freesoftware #userfreedom #malware #security #privacy #gnu #linux #opensource

[icon articles]How To Spot An Evil Law?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 45 💬 0

"They are taking a mild issue and trying to fix it with absolute apocalypse!" - this became a sentence I like to repeat in various comment sections since I calculated the impact of mass surveillance on well-being of the population. Even in relation to murder, a huge problem, even in relation to the worst offenders in this category, murder is a mild issue, compared to the absolute apocalypse that is total mass surveillance. If you are not convinced, click on that link and go see my calculations for yourself.

#philosophy #law #freedom

[icon articles]Is Using Blender's Denoiser Evil?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 67 💬 0

There is a war between artists and Artificial Intelligence people. AI is primarily useful today to those people who want to avoid the hassle of doing something impressive, while still maintaining an image of impressiveness. Artists, on the other hand, who's whole being is in grinding themselves into true impressiveness are not satisfied with AI being used to replace their labor with cheap, algorithmic knock-offs. One such machine learning algorithm, though, had found its way into millions of artist's work-flows, which they don't seem to care much about. And I'm talking about the Intel's Open Image Denoise found inside of Blender.

#blender3d #AI #art #philosophy

[icon articles]Australian Ban on Social Media Will Make Everything Worse!!!



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 64 💬 0

News came to me via Mastodon ( a Free / Libre Social Media platform ) that apparently Australian government just banned Social Media to a certain demographic of people and the consensus is that it is apparently a good thing. Social Media tends to be very bad these days. Due to enshitification and mass surveillance of platforms such as Facebook and Ex-Twitter you can give a pretty solid argument why banning social media all together will make things better. But I fail to see nothing else but an expression of age-discrimination in this ban, when not all people are banned, but only children.

#Australia #SocialMedia #Kids #Paternalism #Law #Philosophy #Freedom #LetGrow #FreeRangeKids

[icon articles]Help Us Hack The Software Industry!!!



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 84 💬 2

To Free Windows we need to use GNU / Linux.

#FreeSoftware #UserFreedom #Privacy #GNU #Linux #OpenSource

[icon articles]Surveillance Harms 1000 Times More Than It Helps



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 327 💬 4

It is abhorrent to be living in times where political structures poised into existence on ideas of Liberty advocate for removal of essential Freedoms. United States and Europe both have their form of "chat control" currently being debated. And country leaders see in this total mass-stalking nothing but a tool to fight some, scary sounding form of possible oppression. They've convinced the public that they are right, so much that when we are trying to come up with a reason of why what they are doing is wrong, we fail even to start the train of thought. Their justification appears to be solid. It appears that there is nothing to do, but to shut up, agree and do nothing about it. Today I am about to shutter their arguments once and for all.

#Privacy #Law #Philosophy #Freedom #Math

[icon articles]The Cult Of Safety


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 162 💬 9

On GNU's website under "Malware", the page lists 19 types of malware. Each in one way or another hinders freedom of the user. Only one of those is "Surveillance". Yet the vast majority of Free Software advocacy focuses only and primarily just on Surveillance. It seems like we are losing our goal.

#Safety #Privacy #FreeSoftware #Philosophy #Freedom #Paternalism

[icon articles]Political Engineering or The Lack Thereof


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 148 💬 14

The main reason a lot of the Roman concrete structures are still standing is that those structures were not engineered, but rather, built to be the strongest. The difference is that anybody with enough resources can make a strong building, or an unbreakable bridge, but rarely those resources are available. Engineers on the other hand have to design structures that barely hold, with the least possible resources. The lunar lander had walls as thin as foil, because taking up to the moon, the mass required to make a strong lunar lander was extremely expensive. Engineer's job is therefor to come up with weakest acceptable design beyond which any waste is too expensive. But here if an over-complication occurs, the manufacturer just loses money. In other activities, if an engineer fails to make the structure just barely on the edge of what's acceptable, the entire thing collapses. And I'm of course talking about politics.

[icon articles]I Will Be Presenting On SeaGL 2024


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 57 💬 0

Tomorrow ( from the time I'm writing it ) on 8th of November 2024 I will be presenting on SeaGL 2024 conference. I will be talking about how and why I made Moria's Race.

[icon articles]Stallman Report The Irony Of Conservative Leftists


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 82 💬 1

Theories of conspiracy were proposed to explain the baffling re-surfacing of previously debunked criticisms of a man. A man who is by opinions of many is on the same side as those criticizing. But perhaps either those criticizing, either don't know about the man's true motive, or lost their true motive themselves, or, which isn't too far fetched of an idea, never had the motive that they claim to have had in the first place. The man is Richard Stallman. The criticism is of the man's apparent lack of conformity to the norms of sexuality. The norms which were significantly challenged, and subsequently re-established by those criticizing him. By those who had lack of conformity in the first place. By those who's lack of conformity was strong enough to establish a new conformity. A new conformity which Stallman deems not enough. A new conformity which Stallman isn't conforming to.

[icon articles]Is The DeVault Report a Spiteful Metajoke


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 59 💬 0

Oh god, I'm trembling right now in anticipation of hate coming my way for this article. If you want to attack me, you should look no further than at the article I wrote about the subject matter a few articles ago. Or look no further at my stance on the whole matter which many times I had brought up in various things I do. The plots of my films Moria's Race and I'm Not Even Human directly or indirectly deal with the subject matter at hand.

[icon articles]The Inherent Instability Of Euphemisms


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 43 💬 0

Often it is required of a storyteller to say less in order to say more. Steven Spielberg had to censor the most gruesome parts of the holocaust in order to make a movie that was actually watchable, and his intuition was arguably right. The movie ended up being a hit, exposing millions upon millions of people to the the holocaust. But it wasn't the horror. It was a watered down version, made so people would not be too upset watching it. The reality of the situation was so much worse that Spielberg didn't even think a movie showing the actual truth was possible. Nobody would be brave or masochistic enough, he thought, to actually see it. A similar story happened to Dunkirk, another World War II movie, this time by Christopher Nolan, who deliberately avoided the worst aspects of a war film to make a film which the audience could watch without taking their eyes from the screen, and as a result, a film that is arguably scarier because of that. Nolan's masterful management of tension is so good that the movie doesn't need violence and blood to be visceral. And yet, to some extent the movie is a watered down version of what war supposed to be. And some argue it is a lesser film because of it.

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