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[icon articles]Why pedophilia in particular is such a great tool when it comes to arguing for mass surveillance


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 55 💬 0

People in the government rarely have the interests of the public as their primary goals. This has been like this since the invention of governments. But while with kings and queens of the middle ages it was apparent that it's the case, politician now a days with democracy, which allocates some control to the masses, have to pretend that they care about this thing of that thing, so that the masses would choose them to form the government. There is no reason to be a politician if you aren't fighting for some sort of control over the masses. Very rarely politicians are genuine, and even those that are, are swapped into the same scheming and manipulations of the public as any other ones. The competition demands thins kind of vicious behavior. The unfortunate truth is that for those manipulations of the masses, there should be mechanisms for such manipulations. And if the masses can get away from those mechanisms by forming ways to preserve their rightful freedoms, the government has to intervene and scheme something so that the freedom itself would sound like a bad idea to the masses.

[icon articles]3 Dimentional Political Spectrum


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 31 💬 0

When it comes to the utter war between Libertarians and Conservatives, the so called, Right and Left sides of the political spectrum, a lot of people avoid the fighting by simply choosing the center. I, on the other hand joke sometimes that the best option is to choose the square root of -1.

[icon articles]Dani's Race Franzo Livestream Report


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 33 💬 0

Yesterday ( 5th October 2024 ) Franzo from opensource_gaming did a livestream of a game I am developing called Dani's Race.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #GameDev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #GtaClone #Programming #Python #UPBGE #blender3d #Franzo #Livestream

[icon articles]How Much Money Am I Losing


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 32 💬 0

When people see my film, or how versed I am in computers, they are often confused. I work a minimum wage job as a cashier. And before that I worked a number of jobs all of which were minimum wage, or slightly above minimum wage. Those jobs aren't particularly challenging, unless they are physical. So I don't have very much to complain. As a cashier I actually enjoy working. I get to talk to various people. And get to sit in front of a computer all day long. So what is there to complain about? Yet, whenever people find out that I know programming or that I can do movies, they often assume that I should not "waste my time" at a job like this, and instead work something a bit more prestigious.

[icon articles]Why Jews Are Successful


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 138 💬 5

Like it or not, but it seems like a large majority of hate toward Jewish people stems from the rate of Jewish success, which is apparently so large, that people form conspiracy theories, which I would love to be true, about Jewish elite classes or whatever, that rig the system in favor of Jews above anyone else ( actually if I think about this hard enough something like this is theoretically possible, but it would be completely decentralized and almost utterly uncoordinated ) . The truth is perhaps anti-climatically mundane in comparison.

[icon articles]I'm Still Alive


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 28 💬 0

As I said previously in another article I am in a very bad position financially. To the point that back when I wrote it I believed that I might actually be dead. Later I wrote an update that didn't work much as an update, because it was more a philosophical piece about how I want to get out my problems ( as in how do I justify trying to get out of my problems ). So I hope I will not diviate this time around from actually writing an update.

[icon articles]Justification for Money



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 49 💬 0

This is kind of both an update on my current financial state and also a deep dive into philosophy and the ethics of money itself. As you maybe know I am struggling with even basic necessities at the moment. And I might get kicked out of the house. I have a lot more hope now than I had before that. I still don't exactly know how I will pay the rent this months. But judging by my father's tone when he spoke to me about it. It seems like it should not be a problem. I will probably write a proper update ones I get out of this mess.

[icon articles]Paternalistic Laws Make Very Little Sense


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 27 💬 0

There are 3 types of laws: Freedom laws; Power laws and Paternalism laws. Freedom laws are those laws we actually like. Free Speech and things like that are all freedom laws. Some freedom laws are less obvious than others. But if the law makes your freedom stronger, it is a freedom law. Power laws are similar. Some people confuse power laws with freedom laws. Power laws are those that give people power. Most obvious examples are laws about censorship. Or laws that state that you can't criticize the government, some countries have that. Those give power to the government over the people. Power laws are any laws that give anybody power. Taking away somebodies else freedom in the process. But then there are paternalism laws.

[icon articles]There Might Be Delay In My Activity


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 49 💬 0

For the LibrePlanet 2024 I was preparing very hard to make a very good presentation. This meant that I had to be absent from my job. After the presentation I volunteered to help editing the conference to insure that the recording of my presentation was published in the best possible way. Which was, in my opinion a right thing to do, since they didn't have a good recording of the slides, due to technical stuff. And I was able to spot this mistake and recreate the slides for the recorded part of the presentation. I did that not only for my own presentation. But for the entire "Neptune room". Which had 10 presentations.

[icon articles]Is Tolerance The Right Word



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 38 💬 2

I do not know how to put it into words, therefor I'm trying to write this article, but it seems like the question of tolerance / intolerance is the wrong kind of question. And it seems like this poor choice of a word to describe a correct concept lead us into the divide that we are experiencing today.

[icon articles]The Story Of Great Struggle And Near Loss When the Status of Blender as one of Free Software Leaders Was Threatened



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 81 💬 0

The paradox of freedom is by no means a new concept, but it is showing itself in most unexpected places, which are unfortunate sometimes and bring chills down the right people's spines when realized. Thus was the story your writer is going to tell in this wonderful piece of writing. Scary! Truly scary, it was! Battle-scars will appear on the protagonist's flesh, after healing from this experience. How utterly idiotic he was! Almost failed due to an error. Due to an expectation and presupposition that was at most erroneous. But still, how lucky. Because through all those struggles a victory was acquired non-the-less.

[icon articles]How They Made Freedom Illegal



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 68 💬 0

Freedom is illegal. There is not a single country in the world that is 100% Free. And it is not a mistake. If a country is 100% Free the government has no control. And therefor why bother trying at the elections. Right? We all are somewhat familiar with the tactics of how governments make sure that their countries are not free. They use the same 2 boogiemen every time:

[icon articles]Is BeamNG Drive a Free Software Game



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 158 💬 0

Once upon the time, I remember feeling utterly unpleasant toward playing racing games where cars did not break. I thought that GTA games, for example, were far more realistic because making mistakes and crashing into something is going to break the car and therefor you have to drive more carefully. Yes I was a strange kid. But I did enjoy games such as Flat Out where the objective is to crash your car as much as possible. I think I liked games that simulate reality, rather then those that are just made for fun. You could imagine how excited I was when I saw videos of this new racing game that came out at about 2013 called BeamNG Drive. A game where cars don't just swap body shapes with pre-modeled deformations. But a game that simulates the destruction fully. Using soft body physics. I didn't play it. At first my computer was way too slow and there was no GNU / Linux support. Then the game became paid. Then I changed from being a mere "Linux user" to being a "GNU / Linux user", which meant that this game is not good for my freedom. But is it though?

[icon articles]Overworked And Underpaid



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 56 💬 0

We all heard by now that the situation in Hollywood is not very good at the moment. A lot of Visual Effects artists are overworked and underpaid resulting in some atrocious CGI like in The Flash 2023. Studios even considering replacing those overworked and underpaid VFX artists with AI technology. Because it can make better images and complain less about its conditions at work.

[icon articles]Effort Does Not Equal Views



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 32 💬 0

There was a conversation about a film I made in Blender called Moria's Race. And the main question was "Why doesn't it have views?"

[icon articles]Statistics On Moria's Race So Far



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 30 💬 1

Moria's Race was released 118 days ago on 26th of August 2023. And as of now, I'm aware only of about 604 views across 6 platforms that I track.

#MoriasRace #blender3d #animation #statistics

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