The Vast Of Night
Blender Dumbass
👁 42 💬 0
It's so weird to be watching
The Vast Of Night almost right after
No One Will Save You. One movie has no dialogue, while the other is just dialogue. To be honest, it might seem very strange to make a film so dialogue heavy, if we didn't have people like
Quentin Tarantino who shows time and time again that movies with a lot of dialogue can work fantastically.
The Creator
Blender Dumbass
👁 29 💬 0
Gareth Edwards is a type of writer / director that I can relate to. I remember watching the Star Wars movie that he directed
Rogue One back when it came out and feeling like I know what this guy is doing. Like I myself want to be that guy. Back in 2016 ( when Rogue One came out ) I still didn't quite give up the
Wrong Hate project and what he showed was the stuff that I was aiming for.
No One Will Save You
Blender Dumbass
👁 35 💬 0
It's interesting sometimes what different artists do with the same material when this material is not bound by copyright. Good filmmakers like
Kenneth Branagh can make wonderful adaptation of things like plays by Shakespeare into insane epics. Bad filmmakers like
Rhys Frake-Waterfield can make awful twists on beloved characters, like the horror film
Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey.
Miami Vice
Blender Dumbass
👁 46 💬 0
Good film directors tend to take upon themselves projects that risk being misunderstood sometimes. An artist can't just draw the same drawing over and over. He wants to experiment. Director
Michael Mann is famous with his films about crime. And the realistic depiction of what crime and police work actually looks like. But if you are doing this over and over, you tend to become interested in something else. Which is terrible for a director who has fans with certain expectations.
Baby Driver
Blender Dumbass
👁 55 💬 2
If you expect Baby Driver to be anything like Hot Fuzz. Don't! If you expect Baby Driver to be anything like
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. Don't! If you expect Baby Driver to be anything like Last Night In Soho. Don't! The director of Baby Driver,
Edgar Wright set for himself a challenge to make every next movie he does in a different genre. Therefor you get absolutely different effects from his movies. Even though there are obvious Edgar Wright tropes in every one of his movies.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Blender Dumbass
👁 56 💬 0
I guess today is my
Edgar Wright day. Earlier today I watched and reviewed
Baby Driver and now I just wiped my tears from watching Scott Pilgrim vs The World.
Spy Kids Armageddon
Blender Dumbass
👁 427 💬 0
I did not expect
Spy Kids Armageddon to be any good. It is written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. A guy who doesn't care about quality that much. His view on film-making was shaped by his first filming experience in 1992 when he made El Mariachi. A movie so cheap that it was weird to a lot of people that it was an action film. Rodriguez has this idea that he can cheat his way into making anything at all. Using as he says "creativity instead of money". So most of his movies tend to look like the Star Wars prequels. A lot of pretty noticeable green screen. Tons of CGI where most other people would use practical props. And strange camera work which is probably more dictated by the limitations of his methods, and not by actual directorial decisions.